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How the Lola&Lykke Pump Transformed Erica’s Breastfeeding Experience

On some occasions, mums just click with certain products. I was so happy to work with Erica by answering her questions and getting her information regarding the Smart Breast Pump. After many exchanged emails, she felt strongly about the success and confidence boost the Lola&Lykke electric breastfeeding pump had given her, and wanted to help other mums to find that same confidence. I hope you feel empowered and inspired by Erica's breastfeeding story, enjoy!

Against all odds

The second week of May 2020 was going to be a life changing moment in our lives. We found out we were pregnant after a 10-year battle with infertility. We were over the moon. As soon as I knew this, I said to myself “I will breastfeed my baby because not only have I heard of its health benefits for the new baby, but also because of the bond it can crate between me and my baby.”

Soon this lovely thought was diminished as I came to the realisation that I couldn’t, simply because I have been battling with autoimmune disease, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and rheumatoid arthritis. Having fallen pregnant was a miracle on its own but to have that confidence to breastfeed became a daunting thought due to the above ailments.

Fast forward to January 2021, I delivered our miracle baby successfully after what was a somewhat surprisingly an uneventful pregnancy. I felt my best and all my symptoms had regressed. (One of the lucky ones I guess!)

Erica’s, Lola&Lykkes customer’s, bundle of joy

Erica's bundle of joy

I hadn’t gotten a pump then as I was still researching for the best one, reading tons of reviews just to be sure. My milk came in slowly, but not much of what I’d expected it to be. Some days I felt my son wasn’t getting enough milk. My confidence began to waiver. I began to ask myself if I made the right decision by breastfeeding.

Learn more: Which Breast Pump is for Me? The Lola&Lykke’s Guide to Breast Pumping

My partner encouraged me a lot on the days I felt like enough was enough. Two months gone I still hadn’t decided on a pump and I held myself from buying any formula milk. I said to myself I can do it. I used mainly a silicone manual pump to catch leaking milk from my other breast as my son suckled from the other. I would normally get an ounce or next to nothing to fill the milk storage bags.

Finally finding what works for me

On March 25th, 2021, I stumbled upon the Lola&Lykke electric breastfeeding pump. There wasn’t many reviews or videos on it, I must confess I was very skeptical. Not about the price or anything. I am one to splurge on a good value item if it is worth it and for this instance for my son, I would spend much more. I thought its going to be his daily sauce of food. I watched some few YouTube videos on the pump repeatedly.

I won't lie this breastfeeding journey has been one of the most challenging experiences ever to me, much more than the pregnancy. The anxiety of not knowing whether your milk will come in for your baby’s next feed was killing me.

Learn more: Common Challenges with Breastfeeding - What to do?

I am someone who has been a healthy diet obviously due to the aliment mentioned above. It took a while for the pump to arrive due to Covid restrictions and Brexit issues. (Another story for another time). Finally, the pump arrived. A lovely blue design and lovely packaging.

Lola&Lykke Smart Electric Breast Pump and the packaging it comes in

The Magic of the Pump

The next day my subconscious mind was saying this wouldn’t work, I tried all sorts of techniques, teas, and lactating foods. My lactation consultant tried but I still wasn’t getting enough milk in. The most will be 3 ounces.

The magic suction pump finally set in. I played around with the different levels. I am not exaggerating when I say the pump felt like a human suckling. Within 6 minutes I had 4 ounces and the silicone pump attached to the other boob was almost half full. Doubting myself again I felt this was too good to be true. I adjusted the pump level and found my perfect level for slow steadily flowing milk.

This magic pump boosted my confidence, I began to feel I can. Six months on my son has enough milk some even stored in the freezer. I tend to mix with his weaning foods. I take the pump along with me as I express in my car, this is so convenient and there are little or no spills around the funnel.
Customer holding Lola&Lykke breast pump in hands

Grateful and Happy

I cannot thank the whole Lola&Lykke team enough for producing such an amazing pump. To all the struggling breastfeeding mums out there, there is still hope. Trust me I wasn’t paid to write all this up, I truly felt the need to share this good news so I could help someone out there.

I feel the company needs to spread the word more so more mums will know of it. I went on to buy the Postpartum Belly Band and Bamboo Nursing Pads, all such amazing products. I cannot thank you guys enough!

Finally a Happy & Confident Mum,


Share your story

Thank you, Erica, for sharing your story. When it comes to motherhood, stories are a lifeline from one mum to another. Sharing your experiences – the good, the bad, the beautiful – can be healing and offer support to those who are still struggling.

If you’d like to share your journey through pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum, get int touch with info@lolalykke.com.

Mums in our community have shared heartfelt stories on our blog, from IVF-successes and NICU journeys to birth experiences and breastfeeding struggles. Discover more real mother stories and see the diverse, powerful experiences of motherhood.