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Breast Milk Storage: Essential Tips for Mums

Breast milk storage bags are essential if you are going to be expressing breast milk. A breast milk storage bag is a pouch that can safely store breast milk, retaining all the vital nutrients, until you are ready to feed your baby. It allows nursing mums to build up milk storage when they cannot feed their baby exclusively.

A mother holding her baby and a Lola&Lykke Breast Milk Storage Bag with an adapter, designed for seamless storage and feeding with one product.

Storing Breast Milk After Pumping

There are different types of breast milk storage to invest in such as pouches, bags, containers, and bottles. But which solution is more convenient?

Choose the Right Storage Containers

Expressed breast milk can be stored in the fridge. If you plan on storing breast milk in the freezer, it must be in a freezer-safe container. When breast milk is stored in the freezer, it needs space to expand, so don’t be tempted to fill your container to the brim! Many breast milk storage solutions boast about using BPA-free materials, a chemical sometimes used in plastic containers and bottles.

Consider how the breast milk storage containers can be stored. Can they be stacked? Do the pouches need to stand upright or flat? Bearing this in mind will save you precious space in your fridge-freezer!

Labelling Is Key

A clear and simple labelling system for breast milk storage is key to safely storing expressed milk. It also means you can use every drop within the right time frame so it doesn’t go to waste.

Use a thick pen and write down how many ounces, the date and time it was expressed, and a use-by date. With this key information, you can see at a glance how much milk you have.

What Temperature Should Milk Be Stored At?

If you plan to express breast milk, it’s important to be familiar with how to store breast milk safely and when it needs to be used, depending on the temperature at which it has been kept. This section answers some of the most common questions, like "Can I refreeze breast milk?" and shares helpful tips for safely storing and feeding breast milk.

 Milk storage bags neatly arranged in a freezer for efficient and organized storage.

Room temperature:

  • From the expression, breast milk can be kept at room temperature for up to 4 hours (max 25°C).

  • If the breast milk has been thawed from frozen, it must be consumed within 2 hours (max 25°C).


  • Freshly expressed breast milk can be stored in the fridge for 3-5 days, with the temperature set to 4°C.

  • Breast milk that has been thawed (previously frozen), and kept in the refrigerator, must be used within 24 hours.


  • Breast milk can be safely stored in the freezer for 6-12 months (-18°C), however, it is best used within 6 months.

  • Milk that has been thawed from the freezer cannot be re-frozen.

Using Breast Milk Storage Bags

Breast milk storage bags are a popular choice for storing expressed breast milk. They are lightweight, compact, and easy to travel with on-the-go. Milk bags are great for saving space in your fridge or freezer, unlike bulky containers.

Breast milk storage bags that work with your breast pump and other nursing accessories make expressing easy and mess-free, allowing milk to go straight from breast to bottle with no hassle.

Lola&Lykke breast pump set offers the complete feeding solution. Pump, store and feed with one product.

Lola&Lykke has got you covered with the ultimate feeding solution— from pumping to feeding to storing

How Do I Fill a Breast Milk Storage Bag?

Depending on the design of the breast milk storage bag, you have two options:

1. Pour your expressed breast milk from the pump and transfer it into a milk bag.

2. Attach your breast milk storage pouch to the breast pump and express directly into the bag.

Michele, a breastfeeding mum who uses Lola&Lykke’s Breast Milk Storage Bags, says “I have tried so many milk storage bags but Lola&Lykke bags make everything sooo easy! I never have to double-check that I resealed the ziplock-type bags. What I love most is that I can pump directly into the bag, freeze, thaw, and then feed my baby. No need to worry about running out of clean bottles to pump or feed”

A mother breastfeeding her baby while using the Lola&Lykke Smart Electric Breast Pump, which pumps milk directly into a storage bag for convenience.

Milk Storage Tips and Tricks

  • Breast milk storage bags are single-use only and cannot be reused.

  • On the front, you will notice measurement markings that advise a maximum fill line.

  • Consider double-zippered bags for extra security to prevent leaks when travelling.

  • Lay your milk bags flat so that they freeze quicker and stack to save storage space.

  • Store small portions (2-4 ounces) to reduce any waste.

How to Thaw Breast Milk Safely

Thawing frozen breast milk comes with specific instructions so that it is safe for your baby to drink. Just like food, heating and cooling breast milk incorrectly can be unsafe and cause unnecessary discomfort for your baby.

The best way to thaw frozen breast milk is:

  • Leave to thaw in the refrigerator overnight

  • Hold the milk bag under warm running water or in a bowl of warm water

  • Never thaw breast milk using a microwave as it can create hot spots and heat unevenly

Once the milk has thawed, pour it into a baby bottle and shake gently. As breast milk thaws, the layers of fat and liquid separate, so it’s important to shake the breast milk well. Thawing breast milk in the fridge means you must use the milk within 24 hours - any leftover milk cannot be refrozen.

Before feeding your baby, check for any unusual smells or appearance. It is known for breast milk to change colour from one expression to another. Your foremilk can appear to be almost translucent with a blue tinge, whereas hindmilk is white and creamy. Occasionally your breast milk can be other colours too and this is caused by your diet, medication, or if there is an infection present. 


Finding a breast milk storage solution can be a game-changer for any breastfeeding mum. It gives nursing mums peace of mind that milk is always available, and it allows other carers to feed and bond with their baby too.

If you have any questions about how to store breast milk or any concerns you wish to share, consult your healthcare provider or lactation consultant for further guidance.