Maternity expert Sanna Nyulund

Sanna Nylund

Registered Dietitian

Food and eating are meant to bring you joy, but sometimes changes in life circumstances can lead to new and possibly problematic dietary habits. Planning for a pregnancy is a great opportunity to think about your lifestyle, and as you prepare for your new arrival it can be worthwhile to assess the dietary habits of the whole family. During pregnancy, certain situations might make you see eating in a different light, for example severe nausea, changes in sugar metabolism, managing special dietary needs during pregnancy, weight management, or a difficult relationship with food. I would be happy to answer any questions about nutrition for mums and families with small children.

As a dietician, I am here to support you and listen to your needs. It is important to me that together we can find solutions that fit your daily life and support your wellbeing. I lead different kinds of rehabilitation groups, in which I work with people of all ages and backgrounds. I see every client as their own person, listening to their needs and unique circumstances. My special skills include assisting with problems relating to lifestyle, lack of motivation or energy, weight management, and nutrition for families with small children.