- Expert Advice
- Jul 10, 2024 | Updated on November 22, 2024
Top Nutrition and Diet Tips for Post-C-Section Recovery
by Marika Luukkonen
Have easy access to evidence-based information so you can make informed decisions and approach motherhood with confidence. Please share these guides with your friends and mum groups. When we can be shown the way by someone who has been there, it makes this whole motherhood journey a little less confusing and a whole lot more fun.
Pelvic Floor Guide →
Core health during & after pregnancy →
Mental Wellness Guide for Pregnancy & Beyond →
Eating Well for Motherhood →
Toolkit for Labour →
C-Section Recovery →
Postpartum Survial Guide →
Breastfeeding 101 - A Guide for new Mothers →
Protecting your Mental Wellbeing while Breastfeeding →
Becoming Dad, A Survival Guide for New Dads →
The pelvic floor is a complex set of muscles with simple functions, and many people become aware of it due to issues stemming from weakness or tightness. This guide will provide answers for achieving optimal pelvic floor health.
Uncover nutritional secrets that will guide you through the stages of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the postpartum period. This comprehensive nutrition handbook covers everything from essential nutrients to managing cravings and ensuring a healthy weight. Get ready to nurture yourself and your little one like a pro.
Preparing for labour? Our must-read labour toolkit has got you covered. Learn everything from creating a birth plan and packing your hospital bag to understanding the different types of births, pain relief options, and the role of partners. With practical tips and tools to help you prepare for the big day, this comprehensive guide empowers you to make informed decisions about your birth experience.
Majority of women experience Diastasis Recti - separated abdominal muscles - during and after pregnancy. Learn all about abdominal separation, and the steps you can take to heal and strengthen your core.
In this comprehensive, FREE Mental Wellness Guide, you will find ways to manage your emotional health during and after pregnancy. From mental health symptoms to looking after yourself in the best possible ways, this e-guide contains all the information you need to take charge of your own wellbeing.
Just had a baby? Even if this isn't your first baby, every postnatal experience is different so you might very well feel just as jumped as you did with your first child but have added complexity of nurturing multiple children. Mama, we've got you.
If you had, or about to have, a c-section, you may want to take extra good care of yourself for a speedy and healthy recovery. Here are what to expect before the procedure, how your body heals from the surgery, FAQs and more.
This guide will answer all your questions and concerns about breastfeeding. Including getting your baby to latch, nipple pain, breastfeeding logistics and timing, as well as whether or not you should even be breastfeeding.
If any aspect of breastfeeding is negatively affecting your emotional and mental wellbeing, especially if it impacts on your day to day living, then it is time to seek support. This guide will give you the tools and resources to protect mental wellbeing while breastfeeding.
This guide will provide a wealth of practical tips for new and expecting dads. This includes actionable advice, covering everything from providing pregnancy support to alleviating common parenting anxieties.