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Discovering your Passion through Motherhood

When you become a mum, life as you know it changes. These changes are gloriously spectacular and absolutely terrifying all at the same time. Whether this is the first tiny human you welcomed into your world or your third or fifth, every addition scrambles life again. Mother is a role you have forever. Its during this miraculous and tumultuous time that lola&lykke will be here to look after you.

We know what its like because were mums too.

As mums ourselves, we know parenting can be challenging in any season, but especially during those postpartum and infant years. Motherhood can be taxing even under the best circumstances, but when there are complications or health concerns with you or baby like there were for our pregnancies, its even more essential that you get the care you need.

We founded Lola&Lykke to provide new mums with innovative products and solutions to meet the everyday health and wellness challenges they face in the early years of motherhood. We want to do whatever is possible to help you enjoy motherhood even more.

While we love our own roles as mothers, we also appreciate the importance of following our own dreams after we became mums. We believe your positive well-being will be reflected in your childrens positive well-being.

Lola&lykke is our dream

Here are a few things we learned about following your personal aspirations even when you become a mum:

1. Becoming a mother can help you discover your passion

Any new experience can open your heart and mind to a new trajectory for your life and motherhood is no different. Women who were successful and content in the corporate world prior to motherhood can find a new passion to pursue after their family expands. In our case, entrepreneurship beckoned; for other mums it might mean a career shift or a desire to stay home full-time.

The mother is posing with her child on her lap

2. Motherhood inspires

When you search for resources, products or services as a mum to make your life easier but you don t find what you are looking for, it inspires you to create new things to benefit yourself and other mums. Youre now walking in the shoes of others and can see first-hand what would be helpful. This new perspective can open up the floodgates of innovation.

3. A fulfilled mum is a good mum

You may have heard that if you dont take care of yourself and fill your cup, you will have nothing left to share or give to others. Rather than view self-care or the pursuit of your dreams as selfish, its actually the most selfless thing you can do. When you are fulfilled, you can give more to your family and loved ones.

4. A busy mum is incredibly productive

Mums are extraordinarily productive. They must be organized and focused to juggle the demands of family life, work and their own mental and physical well-being. Since there are always uncontrollable demands on a mums time, she must be diligent with her schedule to use the time she has in the most productive way.

5. There s not one way to achieve success

We look forward to building this community of mums together. Wed love to connect and learn how youd like us to best support you. So drop us a message, we would love to hear your views!

by Lola&Lykke Team